Last few years my favourite Easter colours are coming from nature. I love to explore ways of natural dyeing and it is always a pleasure to see what will come out after hours and hours of soaking eggs.
Usually all the varieties are surprisingly amazing. I am sharing few ideas below.
I didn’t write exact recipes, because it is all together just exploring ingredients and their shades. Have fun and dig into the unknown. You will be amazed by the results.

1 // Cold beetroot juice + 2 tbsp white vinegar – 15 h
2 // Cold frozen blueberries & water + 2 tbsp white vinegar – 15 h
3 // Hot onion peels & red wine + 2 tbsp white vinegar – 15 h
But first I whitened the natural colour of eggs. Yes, you can this also the natural way:
- Put 20 eggs to a big pot and I pour in 500 ml white vinegar and the rest amount water to cover all the eggs.
- Bring to boil and stand close by, while waiting to boil.
- Cook for 10 minutes on medium temperature.
- After cooking just leave eggs in that water for another 20 minutes.
- Take eggs out of the pot and wash them gently with water.
- Eggs are ready for the coloring.